Businesses predict that 44% of worker’s skills will be disrupted by 2027, as technology is moving faster than employers can adapt their training programmes.

5 most useful skills to have according the WEF Future of Jobs Report 2023

Analytical Thinking

74% of experts predict demand for analytical thinking will grow over the next 5 years and will be amongst the skills least affected by automation

Creative Thinking

Demand for this problem-solving skill is expected to grow even faster – 75% of businesses say creative thinking will rise over the next 5 years

AI and Big Data

Global firms surveyed say 9% of their training will focus on this skill in the near future


This is  the highest-ranked  interpersonal skill on the list – 4 in 10 businesses are expected to include this in their skills strategies

Curiosity and Lifelong Learning

This skills represents workers’ ability to adapt to change, as technology threatens to disrupt many existing skills

The World Economic Forum (WEF) surveyed 803 companies around the world for their 2023 Future of Jobs Report

….representing 27 industries and more than 11.3 million employees

Which skill do you need to brush up on ?