Is your child ready for the 4th industrial revolution?
The way we work is changing rapidly. With the accelerated increase in automation and artificial intelligence a new breed of workforce is needed to pioneer the workplace of tomorrow. At Skills 4.0 we teach critical skills your child will need in order to thrive in this new environment
Is your child ready for the 4th industrial revolution?
The way we work is changing rapidly. With the accelerated increase in automation and artificial intelligence a new breed of workforce is needed to pioneer the workplace of tomorrow. At Skills 4.0 we teach critical skills your child will need in order to thrive in this new environment
What do we do?
Skills 4.0 provides a range of courses to equip learners with the critical proficiencies that they will need to thrive in the labour market of tomorrow (The Fourth Industrial Labour Market). The harsh reality is that work as we know it is changing rapidly. Computers, machines, and robots are becoming a more integral part of society and more importantly for your child’s future, the labour market.
How will they adapt to this rapidly changing environment and what skills do they need to thrive under those conditions? We have the answer!

Gain complex problem-solving skills

Gain critical
thinking skills

Gain Creativity, originality and initiative skills

for the future
What courses do we offer?
Skills 4.0 offers a range of courses that are meant to augment and enhance the CAPS curriculum that your child is already learning, in order to offer them the practical skills needed to thrive in the new economy. They will learn creative and critical thinking skills in a fun experiential learning environment that will equip them for the future.
Introduction to the Internet of
Things Course (IoT)

Create and program a weather device that can supply real time data about its environment and connect it to an IoT dashboard in the cloud without any prior knowledge of coding or hardware.
Introduction to Physical Computing & Data Science course

Quickly learn how to build complex digital devices without any prior hardware or software experience. Run experiments on your new device and perform data analysis.
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